Data Publications
Computer-aided analysis and work with databases have become increasingly important not only in the natural sciences, but also in the humanities. Since its founding, Topoi has been on the vanguard of the digital humanities in the area of ancient studies. Topoi supported innovative technologies for the generation and analysis of research data and developed new solutions for protecting, exchanging and publishing this data. With the establishment of the research platform Edition Topoi the Cluster made multimedial research sources freely accessible and usable as standalone, citable and as sustainably secured data publications. Comprehensive, thematically defined data collections or even smaller collections of research data linked to a book publication, were published in the online repository “Edition Topoi Collections” according to reliable standards and the principles of open access.
Edition Topoi Data publications

The Kreisgraben-phenomenon

Atlas of Innovations

Ancient Columns

Roman Villa of Capo di Sorrento

The Book of Caverns in Theban Tomb 33: Arbeitsphotos

Roman Water Law

The Neolithic in the Nile Delta

Copernicus’ Heliograph

Ancient Sundials

Ancient Steelyards

Construction Drawings

Cylinder Seals

Babylonian Diaries

Digital Pantheon

Inscriptiones Christianae Graecae

Architectural Fragments from Magnesia

Medieval Diagrams

Rock Paintings in Indonesia

BowPed TRPS Data